Our Curriculum
At Curridge Primary School, we believe every child has the right to engage in a broad, balanced and relevant education. Our curriculum has been carefully designed to engage children and enable them to maximise their learning potential. It is a rich and varied curriculum full of opportunities to explore and acquire key knowledge and develop understanding and skills, which are transferable across all areas of learning. We want our children to leave us having gained academic, social and life skills to ensure they are ready for the next stage in their lives.
We offer a curriculum that:
- Promotes the highest standards of achievement
- Equips children with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life
- Ensures equal access to learning for all pupils, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support
- Is engaging and motivating, including offering first-hand experiences where possible
Because, we believe that children learn best when:
- The curriculum is exciting and engaging
- They are clear about what it is that they are supposed to learn,
- They are provided with well-planned and stimulating learning opportunities that are matched to their abilities.
- Their self-esteem is high and they have a Growth Mindset
- They understand the purpose of the learning and see relevance to their own experience
- They are given opportunities to reflect on their learning
- Learning builds on prior knowledge and understanding
- Learning is active and collaborative
- They have opportunities to transfer skills, knowledge and understanding to other contexts
At Curridge Primary School, we provide a progressive and connected curriculum which develops long term retention of key subject knowledge. It is sequential and builds the foundations for the next steps in learning. We recognise that every child’s learning journey is individual and provide an engaging curriculum that is broad, balanced and appropriate to the needs and abilities of all our children.
We promote and model a Growth Mindset (See below) so children are willing to take risks, are curious, independent and reflective learners. Our children see mistakes as an opportunity to learn. They are able to persevere, meet challenges head on and to celebrate when success is achieved.
Our Learning Superheroes demonstrate effective learning behaviours (See above)
At Curridge Primary School, we pride ourselves on providing a highly inclusive education and supporting our families within our local community. Children are taught the importance of being part of our diverse community, both locally and globally, underpinned by our values of respect, responsibility, reflection and resilience. Our values are demonstrated by our R Rangers. (see below)
Our curriculum is designed to link learning throughout our school, within and across year groups and through subjects. It incorporates the full range of Early Years Areas of Learning and National Curriculum subjects, providing breadth and opportunities to deepen thinking. Children are taught and encouraged to use sophisticated language and this is modelled across the school. Progression of knowledge and key concepts and the vocabulary associated with these enables children to make connections and build on prior learning.
Social, emotional, moral and cultural development is fostered through engaging and enriching activities both within and outside subject teaching. Children have a wide range of opportunities to discover their ‘learning superpowers’ through Forest School, extra-curricular clubs and collaboration with other schools and organisations.
We use Curriculum Maestros (Cornerstones) to deliver an enriching, topic-based approach which provides a broad and balanced curriculum linked to the National Curriculum. This is regularly reviewed and adapted to ensure it meets the needs of the children and helps our children to learn more, know more and remember more.
Every half term, teachers share a curriculum letter with parents and carers which gives details about the learning in school and how to support your child at home.