curridge governors
Jackie Livermore - HEADTEACHER
- I am a member of the Finance Committee and Pay Committee.
I joined the school as the headteacher in the summer of 2017. Having worked in a variety of different sized schools, one thing I love the most about our small setting is being able to get to know every child as an individual. Of course, the beautiful surroundings also help. I enjoy using our outdoor environment to teach children lots of different skills and am a trained Forest School Leader. I feel incredibly privileged to work with a great staff team and a supportive governing board.
I live in Newbury and, when I am not at work, I enjoy visiting different places – in this country and abroad. When the mood takes me, I also love to paint. In my life before teaching, I painted murals in children’s bedrooms but these days I work on much smaller pieces.
Samantha Smith - Parent Governor
- I am the Chair to the Full Governing Board.
- I am a member of the Finance Committee
What you do for a living or what industry do you work in? I am an accountant working for an online furniture retailer.
What Governance experience do you have? This is my first role as Governor.
What are your hobbies and interests? If I find time between work and 2 young children I quite like to sleep! I also do some classes at the gym and have recently taken up knitting.
What links do you have with the school or local area? I grew up in the area as my Dad was in the army – I attended Curridge school from the age of 8 until I moved onto Secondary School.
What are your reasons for becoming a governor? My daughter has just started in Reception and I want to do everything I can to make sure that she has the best possible time at school.
Hello everyone, my name is Liam Hughes and I am the Staff Governor. I also work at the school as the Willow Class (Year 4 & 5) Teacher. My hobbies are primarily playing and watching sports, where for my sins I am a season ticket holder for Reading FC. I wanted to become a governor as I wanted to help the school in as many ways as I could and get involved even more.
Steve Fearon - cO-oPTED GOVERNOR
- I am a member of the Finance Committee
Hello! I am what they call a 'Co-Opted Governor'. Basically, this means I am not a governor from the staff, I don't have children at the school and was not appointed by the local authority, but by the governing body due to previous governing experience. I previously spent over 10 years as a Governor (including roles a few years as Chair) at Ashford Hill Primary School. I believe that primary education should deliver solid foundations for all children for their next step in education and I joined as I feel I have experience to offer as well as doing something for the community we live in. By day, I am the CEO of Capita Healthcare Decisions, a HealthTech software and services company. I'm originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland. We moved to the area in late 2014 from Ashford Hill and are about 1 mile from the school, just off Slanting Hill. We have two children that are at the other end of their education journey now!
What you do for a living or what industry do you work in? I work in Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) education as a consultant and researcher.
What Governance experience do you have? I have been a governor since 2019 (but in another primary school) and have an interest in teaching, learning and inclusion.
What are your hobbies and interests? I like being outside walking, running or gardening and spending time with family and friends.
What links do you have with the school or local area? I have two children at Curridge Primary School.
What are your reasons for becoming a governor? Curridge school does a lot for the children and I want to give something back.
Nigel Peter Smith - CO-OPTED GOVERNOR
- I am a member of the Finance Committee
- I am your Health and Safety Governor
What you do for a living or what industry do you work in? I am a retired management accountant and have worked for various companies in the Telecoms industry and a multi media start up.
What Governance experience do you have? I have been a charity trustee with Homestart, who help families struggling with pre-school children.
What are your hobbies and interests? I have recently taken up golf, and have an interest in martial arts. Off road cycling is another favourite so you may see me at weekends covered in mud.
What links do you have with the school or local area? My 2 children went to the school many years ago.
What are your reasons for becoming a governor? Curridge offers so much to the local area and I want to ensure that it continues to do so.
Diane Gregson - Co-Opted Governor
- I am a member of the Finance Committee
- I am your Safeguarding Governor
- I am lead governor for mental health and wellbeing
I am a semi retired accountant having spent the majority of my working life in commercial roles within the mobile network industry, Vodafone, Tesco Mobile and O2. I have recently rediscovered my love of painting and enjoy log walks with my two dogs.
I now live in Curridge having recently relocated from Caversham, Reading. I am a co-opted governor so I do not have any children at the school but I do have two girls, 21 and 16, who both received an amazing primary school experience which gave them the confidence and motivation to move forward positively in their education journey. I hope to play some small part in ensuring the same experience for all Curridge Primary children.

Lesley Dick - LA Governor
I recently rejoined the Governing Board having been Chair of Governors for 17 years many moons ago. I was a teacher of English at secondary level until my retirement.
I enjoy horse riding and have a horse on loan. For several years I kept my horse at Curridge Green Stables and enjoyed the amazing countryside around our village.I go to the theatre as much as possible and am very unlucky at my hobby of fly fishing!
I have lived in Curridge for over 33 years and my 3 children attended the school. I’m also a Parish Councillor.
I’m passionate about giving every child the best life chances and education possible and so becoming a governor again was important to me.