Curridge Primary School at the Heart of the Community
‘The school has very strong links with parents and carers and the local community’ - Ofsted September 2013.
Parental involvement is a strength of our school. Parent volunteers run clubs, assist on school trips, listen to readers, transport pupils to various activities and provide excellent support for the many events organised by our school and our PTA.
We have links with many other organisations in our local community and are delighted to have these opportunities to broaden our children's learning:
Arlington Arts Centre at Mary Hare School
The Corn Exchange
Berkshire Maestros
Curridge Horticultural Society
Dennison Barracks
The Downs Federation - 10 local primaries feeding into The Downs Secondary School
The Downs School
Holy Trinity Church, Hermitage
Open Studios and New Greenham Arts
St Gabriel’s School
Thames Valley Police Safer Schools Partnership
Trinity School
West Berkshire Education Business Partnership