Reporting Concerns
National Online Safety

This platform contains a range of webinars, courses and other information to help keep children safe online. Parents can access the materials by using the link below to register. All the information is relvant, regularly reviewed, and updated.
Learning About Online Safety at Home
Thinkuknow have provided support and resources to help you learn about online safety at home with your child. The Parent Helpsheet contains key online safety advice and links to resourses, as well as support services. They advise that you read this document first. There are home activity packs for each age range below. Each pack contains two 15 minutes activities to do with your child.
Learning About Online Safety in school
The 'Education for a Connected World' is a framework to equip children for digital life. It focuses specifically on eight different aspects of online education which the Jigsaw PSHE scheme have woven into their sessions. The below document outlines where.
EYFS Home Activity Packs
KS1 Home Activity Packs
Staying Safe Online
Within school, we teach children how to stay safe online. The leaflets give children an dparents ideas and top tips and by following the links you can find out more about e-safety and keeping your child safe online at home.
Useful Sites for Parents
webwise – current and well maintained, lots of useful guidance - Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre(CEOP) - official police organisation for reporting concerns, as well as educational guidance
- ThinkUknow - the
much acclaimed site for internet safety and support for parents - Childnet International - a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children
- Parent support - helping parents and carers keep their children safe online
- Kidsmart - practical advice and support on how to help your children use the internet and new technology
Nidirect - internet safety- UK safer internet centre - parents and carers play a key role in supporting children to learn about how to stay safe online, and they are one of the first people children turn to if things go wrong
Getsafe Online - safety guidance and issues to consider when going online- ThinkUknow – 14 plus - topical issues for older teenagers
Useful Sites for Children
- BBCstaysafe – a site of the usual BBC approach, lots of fun for younger children
- Childnet - some fun videos and resources
- Cybersmart - stay safe online and report cyberbullying
- ThinkUknow - you can never be too young to learn about internet safety – for 5-7 year olds
- ThinkUknow - fun things on internet safety for 8-10 year olds
- ThinkUknow - cool things for 11-13 year olds to help you be even more internet aware
- Safety net kids – the rules of staying safe online