Medical Matters
Only prescribed medicines (printed with the child's name and dosage) can be administered in school. We cannot administer any medicine without written authority. Forms are available from the School Office. Under no circumstances should pupils have medicines in school without permission. Medicines should be brought to the School Office, where they will be available for collection at the end of the school day. Parents may come to school to administer medicines themselves by arrangement.
Children who need an asthma inhaler may keep these in their school bags/classroom trays if parents, and our first aiders, consider that the child is able to use their inhaler independently. Otherwise, inhalers/nebulisers will be kept in the School Office. Parents should always keep the School Office informed of any change in medication or need.
First Aid and Head Injuries
There is always a qualified first aider on site. Minor incidents, resulting in bumps and grazes, are treated in the School Office with water and/or cool packs. A plaster or dressing will be applied if appropriate. Incidents causing minor injury are carefully assessed and parents are always contacted if required. School staff follow agreed procedures in the case of a serious injury.
Head injuries, however minor, are reported to parents, either by phone call or letter home. Children who have had a bump to the head are kept under close observation for any adverse reactions.
Health Checks
The school nurse sees all Reception children during their first year at school, and carries out hearing and vision checks. Children in Years 1-3 will be offered the nasal flu vaccine, and the nurse also checks children's height and weight in Year 6. You will be asked for your permission before the nurse sees your child. Parents may be sent a medical questionnaire to establish if children have any health problems which need to be addressed.
If your child is ill, please telephone the School Office (using Option 1) on the first day of absence to ensure their absence is authorised. If we do not receive an explanation of your child's absence, you will be called by the School Office to ensure that your child is safe, and accounted for. If your child is ill on consecutive days, you do not need to telephone us again. However if the illness continues into the following week, please report the absence again on Monday.
To avoid infection of other pupils and staff, please do not bring children who have been sick, had a stomach upset or an unexplained rash back to school until forty-eight hours after the symptoms have stopped. If you bring your child back to school before 48 hours have elapsed, we will ask you to take your child home again. The only exception to this rule is if a medical practitioner has advised that your child is not contagious.
Head Lice
Please carry out treatment (bug busting/medication) before your child returns to school. If your child has headlice, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can alert other parents to check and treat their child’s hair.
It is essential that we have up-to-date contact names and telephone numbers for all parents. We check details annually but it is your responsibility to inform the School Office of any changes. Please do not forget to update any changes to mobile and work phone numbers.