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At Curridge Primary School, we recognise the importance of PE and the role it has to play in promoting long term, healthy lifestyles. The intent of our PE curriculum is to provide all children with high quality PE and sport provision. It is our vision for every pupil to succeed and achieve their potential as well as to lead physically active lifestyles. We strive to inspire our pupils through fun and engaging PE lessons that are enjoyable, challenging and accessible to all. We want our pupils to appreciate the benefits of a healthy and physically active lifestyle. Through our teaching of PE, we will provide opportunities for pupils to develop values and transferrable life skills such as fairness and respect as well as providing them with opportunities to take part in competitive sport. Furthermore, we want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.


Pupils at Curridge participate in weekly high quality PE and sporting activities.  Our PE programme incorporates a variety of sports to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of their own and others’ strengths and weaknesses. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities before, during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also a healthy mental well-being. Children at Curridge talk about the fun and the success of playing sport at school as well as when representing the school in local events. They know they have the opportunity to take part in PE and challenge themselves, with the aim being to beat their own personal best each time.


Throughout Curridge we offer a physical education curriculum appropriate to each individual child. Our curriculum is delivered in a fully inclusive manner. Pupils are provided with a balance of individual, group and team activities, some of which are competitive. We promote the impact that Physical activity can have on a pupils’ mental health and well-being. Pupils have access to a highly differentiated revised curriculum linked to games, gymnastic activities, dance, athletic activities, swimming, outdoor activities and health related fitness. This range of experiences is intended to provide for pupils’ increasing self confidence in their ability to manage themselves and their bodies within a variety of movement situations and to increase

understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. It allows for them to develop as part of a team, learning how to communicate with others and work together. It allows them to cope with disappointments, being able to communicate in an appropriate manner and adhere to rules and regulations. Emphasis is upon providing a supportive learning environment that encourages maximum participation and rewards endeavour while remaining sympathetic to pupils’ physical needs and degree of learning difficulty.


We fully adhere to the aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and Primary National Curriculum for physical education to ensure that all children:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • know how to co-operate and collaborate with each other as part of a team
  • lead healthy, active lives

Children within EYFS undertake a range of daily physical exercise within their classrooms, continuous provision areas and structured weekly PE sessions. 

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